Angular service
PxlController source
Exposes PixLive SDK methods using an angular-like service
addBookmark (contextId)
Add a new bookmark for a given context. The context corresponding to the contextId will be added to the bookmark list.
Name Type Description contextId string the ID (from the pixlive.Context#contextId property of the Context object) of the context to add to the bookmark list
computeDistanceBetweenGPSPoints (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of GPS points in the bounding box specified by its lower left and uper right corner
Name Type Description lat1 Number latitude of point 1
lon1 Number longitude of point 1
lat2 Number latitude of point 2
lon2 Number longitude of point 2
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with a Number argument corresponding to distance between the two GPS points
getBookmarks -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of contexts that have been bookmarked.
When bookmark support has been enabled (by calling cordova.plugins.PixLive.setBookmarkSupport(true)), a bookmark button is displayed on fullscreen content such as web pages. Clicking it will mark the content as bookmarked. The content that have been bookmarked can be retrieved using this method. You can also add and remove bookmarks programatically using the pixlive.PxlController#addBookmark / pixlive.PxlController#removeBookmark method
See pixlive.Context for the description of the Context class.
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument corresponding to the context/content that have been bookmarked.
getContext (contextId) -> Promise
Asynchronously return the context with the given contextId if this context has been synchronized.
See pixlive.Context for the description of the Context class.
Name Type Description contextId string the ID (from the pixlive.Context#contextId property of the Context object) of the context to add to the bookmark list
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with a
argument corresponding to the context/content with the given contextId
getContexts -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of contexts that is available within the app (i.e. the ones that have been synchronized.)
See pixlive.Context for the description of the Context class.
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument corresponding to all the context/content contained in the app.
getGPSPointsInBoundingBox (latitude, longitude, latitude, longitude) -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of GPS points in the bounding box specified by its lower left and uper right corner
See pixlive.GPSPoint for the description of the GPSPoint class.
Name Type Description latitude Number of the lower left corner
longitude Number of the lower left corner
latitude Number of the uper right corner
longitude Number of the uper right corner
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument corresponding to GPS points in the specified bounding box
getNearbyBeacons -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of contexts linked to nearby beacons
See pixlive.Context for the description of the Context class.
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument corresponding to the context/content linked to nearby beacons
getNearbyGPSPoints (myLat, myLon) -> Promise
Asynchronously return the list of nearby GPS points
See pixlive.GPSPoint for the description of the GPSPoint class.
Name Type Description myLat Number current latitude
myLon Number current longitude
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument corresponding to nearby GPS points
isBookmarked (contextId) -> Promise
Asynchronously returns true or false depending if the context identifier by contextId (its ID) has been bookmarked or not.
Name Type Description contextId string the ID (from the pixlive.Context#contextId property of the Context object) of the context to check
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with an
argument indicating if the context has been bookmarked (true) or not (false)
isContainingGPSPoints -> Promise
Return true if the app contain GPS points, false otherwise
Type Description Promise An Angular Promise where the success method will be called with a
argument indicating if the app contain GPS points (true) or not (false)
openURLInInternalBrowser (url)
Will open an url with the PixLive SDK internal browser
Name Type Description url string The url
presentNotificationsList -> boolean
Display the PixLive SDK notification list over the Ionic app. If no notification is available, the call fails and return false.
Type Description boolean True if the method was able to show the list (i.e. if the list is not empty), false otherwise.
removeBookmark (contextId)
Remove a context from the bookmark list.
Name Type Description contextId string the ID (from the pixlive.Context#contextId property of the Context object) of the context to remove from the bookmark list