
Cordova plugin for PixLive SDK https://github.com/vidinoti/cordova-plugin-PixLive

This allows a seamless bridge for using Augmented Reality PixLive SDK into your own Cordova application.

Check https://www.vidinoti.com/ for more information and https://vidinoti.github.io/ for the complete documentation.

1. Installation

  • Create a PixLive Maker account http://pixlivemaker.com.
  • Register you app, download SDKs and obtain a licence by following the steps described at https://armanager.vidinoti.com/?page=appview.
  • Install the plugin by passing the PixLive SDK VDARSDK.framework, vdarsdk-release.aar file paths and the license key to the plugin installation command line:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-pixlive@latest --variable LICENSE_KEY=MyLicenseKey --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_IOS_LOCATION=\"path/to/VDARSDK.framework\" --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_ANDROID_LOCATION=\"path/to/android/vdarsdk-release.aar\"

2. Create an augmented reality app in two minutes!

The best way to start developing your app is with a simple example. This demo app shows you the basis for using PixLive SDK in your cordova project.

  • Create a new Cordova project using cordova-template-PixLive.
cordova create myArApp com.mycompany.myArApp myArApp --template git://github.com/vidinoti/cordova-template-PixLive.git
  • Add Android and iOS platforms
cd myArApp
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios
  • If not done already, create a Pixlive Maker account, register you app, download SDKs and obtain a licence by follwing the steps at https://armanager.vidinoti.com/?page=appview. Add the Cordova plugin for PixLive SDK to your project by passing the PixLive SDK VDARSDK.framework, vdarsdk-release.aar file paths and the license key to the plugin installation command line:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-pixlive@latest --variable LICENSE_KEY=MyLicenseKey --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_IOS_LOCATION=\"path/to/VDARSDK.framework\" --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_ANDROID_LOCATION=\"path/to/android/vdarsdk-release.aar\"
  • Build your project

    cordova build android
    cordova build ios
  • Your demo app is ready, you can already test it!

    cordova run android

3. The basis of building an AR app with PixLive SDK

  • Content synchronization To be able to trigger AR content you need to synchronize your app with your PixLive Maker account first.

    //Synchronize the app with PixLive Maker http://pixlivemaker.com
    if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive) {
      // You can pass an array of tags to synchronize with specific tags: synchronize(['test1','test2'])
      cordova.plugins.PixLive.synchronize([], synchSuccessListener, synchErrorListener);
  • Create an ARview - The first time you open an ARview you need to create it.

    * Example of arView size
    * @return {number[]} [screenWidth,screenHeight]
    getArViewSize = function() {
      if(window.orientation == 90 || window.orientation == -90) {
          if(window.screen.height > window.screen.width) {
              return [window.screen.height, window.screen.width];
      return [window.screen.width, window.screen.height];
    if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive) {
      var arViewSize = getArViewSize();
      var arView = cordova.plugins.PixLive.createARView(0, 0, arViewSize[0], arViewSize[1]);
  • Handle the orientation changes

    * onOrientationchange Event listener
    onOrientationchange = function() {
      if(arView) {
       var screenSize = getSize();
       arView.resize(0, 0, screenSize[0], screenSize[1]);
    window.addEventListener("orientationchange", onOrientationchange, false);
  • Close the arView

    if(arView) {
  • Reopen the arView

    if(arView) {
  • Handle PixLive events

    //event listeners for pixlive events
    var pxlEventListeners={};
    //Event handler for pixlive events
    var pxlEventHandler = function(event) {
      if(event.type && pxlEventListeners[event.type]) {
          for(var i = pxlEventListeners[event.type].length-1; i>=0; i--) {
    * Add a new listener for the provided event type. 
    * @param {string} event The event to register for. 
    * @param {function} callback The function to be called when the provided event is generated.
    addListener = function(event, callback) {
      if(!pxlEventListeners[event]) {
    //register pxlEventHandler
    if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive && !window.cordova.plugins.PixLive.onEventReceived) {
     cordova.plugins.PixLive.onEventReceived = pxlEventHandler;

    PixLive events are:

    • pxlContextEnter - When enter a context (recognize image, enter beacon area)
    • pxlContextExit - When exist a context
    • pxlCodeRecognize - When a QR code is recognized
    • pxlAnnotationsPresent - When content is shown
    • pxlAnnotationsHide - When content is hidden
    • pxlSynchronizationRequired - When a context ask to synchronize with given tags
    • pxlSensorTriggered - When a sensor is detected
    • pxlSensorUpdate - When a sensor value is updated
    • pxlSensorUntriggered - When a sensor is not detected anymore
    • pxlEventFromContent - When an event is generate from the content (PixLiveJS) For example:
      //enable PixLive SDK to catch the touch event when a content is displayed
      //disable PixLive SDK to catch the touch event when a content is hidden
      //take action when a QR code is recognized by the SDK
      alert("QR code recognized: " + event.code);