Cordova plugin for PixLive SDK
This allows a seamless bridge for using Augmented Reality PixLive SDK into your own Cordova application.
Check for more information and for the complete documentation.
1. Installation
- Create a PixLive Maker account
- Register you app, download SDKs and obtain a licence by following the steps described at
- Install the plugin by passing the PixLive SDK
file paths and the license key to the plugin installation command line:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-pixlive@latest --variable LICENSE_KEY=MyLicenseKey --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_IOS_LOCATION=\"path/to/VDARSDK.framework\" --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_ANDROID_LOCATION=\"path/to/android/vdarsdk-release.aar\"
2. Create an augmented reality app in two minutes!
The best way to start developing your app is with a simple example. This demo app shows you the basis for using PixLive SDK in your cordova project.
- Create a new Cordova project using cordova-template-PixLive.
cordova create myArApp com.mycompany.myArApp myArApp --template git://
- Add Android and iOS platforms
cd myArApp
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios
- If not done already, create a Pixlive Maker account, register you app, download SDKs and obtain a licence by follwing the steps at Add the Cordova plugin for PixLive SDK to your project by passing the PixLive SDK
file paths and the license key to the plugin installation command line:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-pixlive@latest --variable LICENSE_KEY=MyLicenseKey --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_IOS_LOCATION=\"path/to/VDARSDK.framework\" --variable PIXLIVE_SDK_ANDROID_LOCATION=\"path/to/android/vdarsdk-release.aar\"
Build your project
cordova build android cordova build ios
Your demo app is ready, you can already test it!
cordova run android
3. The basis of building an AR app with PixLive SDK
Content synchronization To be able to trigger AR content you need to synchronize your app with your PixLive Maker account first.
//Synchronize the app with PixLive Maker if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive) { // You can pass an array of tags to synchronize with specific tags: synchronize(['test1','test2']) cordova.plugins.PixLive.synchronize([], synchSuccessListener, synchErrorListener); }
Create an ARview - The first time you open an ARview you need to create it.
/** * Example of arView size * @return {number[]} [screenWidth,screenHeight] */ getArViewSize = function() { if(window.orientation == 90 || window.orientation == -90) { if(window.screen.height > window.screen.width) { return [window.screen.height, window.screen.width]; } } return [window.screen.width, window.screen.height]; }; if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive) { var arViewSize = getArViewSize(); var arView = cordova.plugins.PixLive.createARView(0, 0, arViewSize[0], arViewSize[1]); }
Handle the orientation changes
/** * onOrientationchange Event listener */ onOrientationchange = function() { if(arView) { var screenSize = getSize(); arView.resize(0, 0, screenSize[0], screenSize[1]); } }; window.addEventListener("orientationchange", onOrientationchange, false);
Close the arView
if(arView) { arView.beforeLeave(); arView.afterLeave(); }
Reopen the arView
if(arView) { arView.beforeEnter(); onOrientationchange(); arView.afterEnter(); }
Handle PixLive events
//event listeners for pixlive events var pxlEventListeners={}; //Event handler for pixlive events var pxlEventHandler = function(event) { if(event.type && pxlEventListeners[event.type]) { for(var i = pxlEventListeners[event.type].length-1; i>=0; i--) { pxlEventListeners[event.type][i](event); } } }; /** * Add a new listener for the provided event type. * @param {string} event The event to register for. * @param {function} callback The function to be called when the provided event is generated. */ addListener = function(event, callback) { if(!pxlEventListeners[event]) { pxlEventListeners[event]=[]; } pxlEventListeners[event].push(callback); } //register pxlEventHandler if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.PixLive && !window.cordova.plugins.PixLive.onEventReceived) { cordova.plugins.PixLive.onEventReceived = pxlEventHandler; }
PixLive events are:
- pxlContextEnter - When enter a context (recognize image, enter beacon area)
- pxlContextExit - When exist a context
- pxlCodeRecognize - When a QR code is recognized
- pxlAnnotationsPresent - When content is shown
- pxlAnnotationsHide - When content is hidden
- pxlSynchronizationRequired - When a context ask to synchronize with given tags
- pxlSensorTriggered - When a sensor is detected
- pxlSensorUpdate - When a sensor value is updated
- pxlSensorUntriggered - When a sensor is not detected anymore
- pxlEventFromContent - When an event is generate from the content (PixLiveJS)
For example:
//enable PixLive SDK to catch the touch event when a content is displayed addListener("presentAnnotations",function(event){ arView.enableTouch(); }); //disable PixLive SDK to catch the touch event when a content is hidden addListener("hideAnnotations",function(event){ arView.disableTouch(); }); //take action when a QR code is recognized by the SDK addListener("codeRecognize",function(event){ alert("QR code recognized: " + event.code); });